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"Weasels winged to make a difference"
1. This page provides a fairly detailed description of the organization, units, and equipment of the Wotanberger military. For a graphic summary, click here.
2. Formal unit name is in ALL CAPS, followed in some cases by its abbreviation [AC].
3. For an explanation of abbreviations/acronyms , click here.
4. Unit's English nickname, if any, is in "Quotes", or perhaps "Linked"
5. Unit's special insignia, if any, is available by clicking on Unit Insignia.
6. Units are not listed in order of precedence.

PRINCE TREVOR'S OWN (AEROSPACE) SQN "Balloon Platoon" (A/R) Originally converted from the Doon Balloon Dragoon Plt GDD, its 1 FLT (R) is now equipped with the dirigible GDAS  Wotanberg "Gasbag". GDAS Wotanberg is used for transporting the Grand-Ducal Family, members of Parliament, and other VIPs and other special missions, including aerial reconnaissance and parachute training. The SQN's 2 and 3 FLTs (A/R) are equipped with a variety of combat and transport aircraft, while its 4 FLT (R) maintains both the facilities and aircraft of the Grand Duchy's branch of the Cutter Air Museum at Amelia Earhart International Airport.

PRINCE ANDREW'S OWN (CYBERSPACE) SQN "Cyber-Space Cadets" (A) A coy= unit defending the Grand Duchy in Cyberspace.

MCLANE'S (SPECIAL AIR SERVICE) SQN "Die Hard With A Vengeance" (A/R) A coy= anti-terrorist and security unit with primary responsibility for protecting the Amelia Earhart International Airport.