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Abbreviations and Acronyms
(A):        Active duty unit
APC:     Armoured personnel carrier
(A/R):    Unit with both active and reserve components
Bn:        Battalion (usually w/ 3-5 coy/bty/sqn)
Bn=:      Equivalent in size and function to a bn
Bty:       Battery (i.e., artillery coy= usually w/ 6-8 guns/weapon systems)
BW:       Brigade Wotanberg
Coy:      Company (usually w/ 3-5 plt/tp; see bty & sqn)
Coy=:    Equivalent in size and function to a coy/bty/sqn
FLT:     Flight (air force unit usually w/ 3-5 aircraft or 20-30 soldiers)
FPT:      Full Protection Team, w/ 5-7 soldiers and 1-2 light armored vehicle
GDA:     Grand-Ducal Artillery
GDAC:   Grand-Ducal Aero Cavalry
GDAS:   Grand-Ducal Airship
GDD:     Grand-Ducal Dragoons
GDF:     Grand-Ducal Foot
GDGB:     Grand-Ducal Gun Boat
GDH:     Grand-Ducal Horse
GHQ:     General Headquarters
HOT:     French-built wire-guided anti-tank missile system
HT:         Household Troops
HQ:        Headquarters
LW:       Landwehr Wotanberg
MLRS:   Multiple Launch Rocket System
NBC:      Nuclear/Biological/Chemical
Plt:        Platoon (infantry: usually w/ 20-30 soldiers; anti-tank: usually w/ 2-3 missile systems;
              see tp)
Plt=:      Equivalent in size and function to a plt
(R):        Reserve unit (available within 24 hours)
Recce:   Reconnaissance (pronounced "recky")
Regt:     Regiment (the administrative & "traditional" home for
                assigned units and soldiers, but not necessarily a
              tactical headquarters)
Sec:      Section (usually w/ 10-15 soldiers)
Sqn:      Squadron (i.e., a cavalry/engineer coy= usually w/ 10-15 tanks, armoured cars or
              helicopters or an air force unit usually with 3-5 flt)
SR:       Support Regiment
STOF:  Sir Trevor's Own Foot
TOW:   U.S.-built wire-guided anti-tank missile system
Tp:        Troop (i.e., cavalry/artillery plt= usually w/ 2-4 tanks, armoured cars,
              helicopters, or guns/weapon systems)
WEB:    Wotanberger Expeditionary Battlegroup