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1. This page provides a fairly detailed description of the organization, units, and equipment of the Wotanberger military. For a graphic summary, click here.
2. Formal unit name is in ALL CAPS, followed in some cases by its abbreviation [AC].
3. For an explanation of abbreviations/acronyms , click here.
4. Unit's English nickname, if any, is in "Quotes", or perhaps "Linked"
5. Unit's special insignia, if any, is available by clicking on Unit Insignia.
6. Units are not listed in order of precedence.

(R) A regt consisting of the following independent militia units:
BÜRGERWACHE WESELSTEIN "Weasel Rock" Now a bn=, historically a coy= raised in Trevorstein (formerly called Weselstein). Consists of two light infantry coy, one heavy weapons coy, and a armoured car sqn (equipped with Ferrets).
BÜRGERGARDE WESELBACH "Weasel Baroque" A coy= raised in Weselbach.
BÜRGERGARDE HARDTZELL "Hard Sell" A coy= raised in Hardtzell.
BÜRGERGARDE HARDTRACH "Hard Rock" A coy= raised in Hardtrach.
BÜRGERGARDE DRACHENTHAL "Drunk & Tall" A coy= raised in the Drachenthal (Dragon Valley").

MILIZ SIEBENZWERGE "7 Dwarves" A plt= raised in the area around Siebenzwerge.

MILIZ DREIFERKELCHEN "3 Pigs" A plt= raised in the area around the Dreiferkelchen Castle.




With the exception of the heavy weapons coy and armoured car sqn in BÜRGERWACHE WESELSTEIN, all Landwehr units are light infantry with some motor transport and one or two Ferrets.