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gdw tartan

Note: To go directly to detailed information regarding the organization and equipment of the armed forces, click here.
To go directly to a chart showing the organization of the armed forces, click here.
To learn more about the history of Wotanberg's armed forces, click here
To visit Wotanberg's military museum, the Sergeant Joe Gunn Museum, click here.

Like the small, but potentially dangerous weasel, the Grand Duchy of Wotanberg remains ready to defend itself against any invader. It maintains a "militia" force similar to Switzerland's, whose nearly 4,000 members are equipped and prepared to defend the Grand Duchy with modern weapons and tactics. It has also taken steps to ensure that all of its residents not actively engaged in its defence will be protected in shelters.
Mindful of John Donne's words (in "Meditation XVII" of his Devotions upon Emergent Occasions), the Grand Duchy is also prepared to support and carry out peacekeeping operations outside its borders and to help respond to natural disasters anywhere in the world.
The nation's armed forces consist of the Army and the Air Force. In addition to the Army and Air Force, the nation's law enforcement, fire and rescue, emergency medical, customs, border control, and civil defense personnel are organized as the Constabulary, while the state-owned airline--Air Wotanberg--provides air transport support to both the Army and Air Force. Although normally separate from the armed forces, both the Constabulary and Air Wotanberg work closely with them during peacetime, and can be integrated into the armed forces in time of war or emergency.

Although enlistment in the armed forces is generally limited to citizens of the Grand Duchy, foreigners may still enlist in the Foreign Company of Foot, Sir Trevor's Own Foot. For additional information on this unit, click here.

For detailed information regarding the current organization and equipment of the various components of the armed forces, click here.

To learn more about the history of Wotanberg's armed forces, click here.

To vist Wotanberg's military museum, the Sergeant Joseph ("Joe") Gunn Museum, click here.