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Wotanberg's Military Museum 
Artwork and Photographs

The most treasured photo in the Museum's collection is probably this one of the Museum's namesake taken the day before he died.









The Grand Ducal Foot marching to Wolfberg Castle for their annual
Blessing of Arms in 1891.









The Grand Ducal Horse in 1914.







The Hardtrach militia in 1914.







The Dragoon Guards (the "Saloon Dragoons") in 1920.







The Highlander Coy in October 1938. The man to which the arrow is pointing is Jake Cutter, as shown by this computer enhancement:
Jake was in the Grand Duchy to be formally inducted into the Order of St Hubert.




Jake Cutter inspecting "A" Battery of the
Grand Ducal Artillery during his visit to the Grand Duchy in 1938.

(Our special thanks to the Cutter Air Museum
for providing this photo.)







Members of the Grand Duke's Hussars with Crown Prince Brendan in 1999.









For additional information regarding the Museum, please contact us.